Tuesday, April 9, 2013

How to Be a Genius

In this blog I will be talking about “How to Be a Genius” by David Dobbs. This article appears in the September 2006 edition of the New Scientist.

 This article talks about how geniuses are created, and it’s not an inborn talent.  David Dobbs used a life situation as an example, when he assumed that his intelligence in a young age would guarantee great success in the future. David realized when he was growing up that “the ability were so found of calling talent or even genius arises not from innate gifts but from an interplay of fair natural ability, quality instruction, and a mountain of work.” David Dobbs talks about his study and how genius is a person who is motivated and inspired to succeed in life and will put effort to reach their goals in life. Geniuses are people who are influenced by positive attitude and people someone who will guide you to the right direction and supports you and mentors you.

                He talks about how a great IQ would not guarantee importance in a person. David used an example where he used students from the NYC Hunter College Elementary School where it showed that some of the students had high IQ’s, but did not reach the depths of accomplishment.  Stephen Hawking avoids questions about his IQ because he states: “People who boast about their IQ’s are losers.”                 

                Andres Ericsson, a professor of psychology at Florida State University in Tallahassee says “people have proven again and again that most people can do something extraordinary if they’re willing to put in the exercise.”  It is overwhelming to look at what these people have to do. They invest more than five times as much time and effort in becoming a greater accomplished amateur does to become compete.  Coming from a different background and not raised in America I am encouraged to do better because not knowing the language really well I try to work harder to achieve my goals. Having the help of professors, mentors, friends and family it pushes me harder to achieve greater excellence. The author states that hard work is leading to success and this is motivating people to accomplish some goals and be successful.

                I believe that this theory is kind of a debatable question about genius made or born. I agree with David Dobbs because there are a lot of people who have put the effort and time and made a big transformation. Being a genius is how you connect with yourself and how motived you are to becoming a successful individual in the long run.

                This assignment makes us realize how important is to be focused and motivated if you want to become successful in life. Nothing is easy but if you are motivated and are willing to become successful you will. We are all geniuses some of us take advantage of having opportunities and some throw them away.

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