Tuesday, April 9, 2013

A New Mom and the President of Iceland

This blog post is “Episode 267: A New Mom and the President of Iceland.” This podcast appeared on the planet money website on February 1, 2013.

 The “Episode 267: A New Mom and the President of Iceland, “discusses how people in Iceland had to decide whether to pick up the tab of mistakes bankers made in 2011 before the financial crisis. This article also introduces Heida Dora Jonsdottir a young new mother who is not quite sure about the voting system in the election.

                Iceland is faced with economic crisis such as other counties in the world in the year 2008. This was a tremendous loss for Iceland its economic history because their national currency went really low where it forced them to lose relationships with foreign businesses. After the banks failed in Iceland a lot of people from UK and Netherland lost their money that they had in the Iceland banks. After seen this problem getting worse the government decided to have an election to talk more about the future of their country that was falling apart. Heida Dora Jonsdottira voted “no” as did many of the people on this problem. The British and Dutch governments took Iceland to court so they can recover the money that their citizens have lost when the banks had failed.

                The Crises in 2008 effected many countries around the world, and it caused a difficult situation in the economy world. As time passes the economy started to recover and grow for Iceland and this is good progress for them as well. No one is at fault here every country goes through there tough times and Iceland and people from overseas are faced will a difficult situation. Every country goes through their breaking point they just have to do the right thing and try to pick it back up and make changes for the better.

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